New technology in recent years has allowed the plastic surgeon to treat damaged and wrinkled skin on a layer-by-layer basis. The laser harnesses energy from light beams and redirects it to produce specific wavelengths of light, allowing specific conditions to be treated. As new cells form during healing, smoother, tighter, and younger looking skin appears. Laser resurfacing is effective in treating wrinkles, blotchiness, age spots, and scars from acne or other causes. Laser skin resurfacing is primarily performed in an outpatient setting with local anesthesia. For more extensive resurfacing, your surgeon may recommend general anesthesia. Recovery times vary according to condition and the area treated. Mild swelling and discomfort that can be controlled with ice compresses, ointments and medications should be expected afterwards. Crusting of skin may occur but will subside in about 10 days. Skin should turn pink or red in 6 to 8 weeks, and may retain some degree of pinkness for up to 3 months. After about two weeks, the pinkness may be concealed with makeup. An initial consultation with a qualified physician is the first step to determine if laser resurfacing is appropriate for your skin. For some patients, skin texture, pigmentation, health problems and other factors prohibit the use of lasers. Your plastic surgeon will advise you about the specific treatment that would be most effective in meeting your specific goals. He will also discuss possible risks and complications. In addition to listening carefully to what he tells you, be sure to raise any questions or concerns that you may have about the safety of the procedure. The surgeons and staff at The Face & Body Center are available to discuss any questions you may have by calling 866-939-4999 or 939-9999 in the Jackson Metro Area.