One of the most well-known procedures in plastic surgery is rhytidectomy, commonly known as a facelift. The purpose of the rhytidectomy is to improve the most visible effects of aging, exposure to sun and stresses of daily life. It can eliminate wrinkles, creases and lines and restore the natural contours of your face. Other procedures such as eyelid surgery and forehead lifts are often done in conjunction with a facelift. Each facelift is a very individualized procedure. You should have an initial consultation with a qualified surgeon. He will evaluate your skin’s elasticity and bone structure to determine goals for the surgery and answer any questions you may have. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with a Rhytidectomy. These risks will be outlined in an informed consent sheet provided during your consultation. We strongly encourage each patient to carefully review these risks and discuss them with your surgeon prior to proceeding with surgery. Two to five hours are usually required for the facelift. Today’s facelifts may be performed under local anesthesia, monitored sedation or general anesthesia. Your bone structure and your physician’s technique will determine placement of incisions. The incisions usually begin at the temples, extend in front of the ears and behind the ears to scalp. The skin is separated from fat and muscle. Fat may be removed along with excess skin. Incisions will be closed with sutures or metal clips which are usually removed after five days. After the surgery, you may have temporary bruising and experience some swelling, tightness, or numbness which generally subsides in one to two weeks. Rest is essential to a successful recovery. Cosmetics may be applied after a few days, and return to work is usually within two weeks. Scars are usually hidden by hair or natural creases and will fade with time. Additional procedures may complement your goals after the facelift. These include laser resurfacing, collagen replacement, fat injection or chemical peels. The surgeons and staff at The Face & Body Center are available to discuss any questions you may have by calling 866-939-4999 or 939-9999 in the Jackson Metro Area.