Cosmetic eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is designed to improve the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. It can give a rejuvenated appearance to the surrounding area of your eyes, making you look more rested and alert. Eyelid surgery is an excellent choice for patients with excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid, bags under the eyes, or fatty deposits in the upper eyelids that create puffiness. In your initial consultation, your surgeon will examine you to determine whether eyelid surgery is right for you. You will need to tell your doctor if you have any serious medical conditions, including eye diseases such a glaucoma or dry eye. During eyelid surgery, incisions are made so that scars will be well hidden within the eyelid. Incisions are closed with sutures, skin adhesives or surgical tape. Results will appear gradually as swelling and bruising subside. Patients can usually return to work in a week to 10 days, and strenuous activity can be resumed in three weeks. The surgeons and staff at The Face & Body Center are available to discuss any questions you may have by calling 866-939-4999 or 939-9999 in the Jackson Metro Area.