Many factors contribute to the decision to remove breast implants. These may include a rupture or deflation of the implant, a change in the physical appearance of the breast such as shifting or sagging, or the formation of tight scar tissue around the implant or infection. The first step for someone considering breast implant removal is a personal consultation with a plastic surgeon. During this consultation, you and your surgeon will review all your past medical history, all current conditions, and medications. The plastic surgeon will then discuss all available options and potential risks associated with the procedure. A decision must also be made as to whether new implants will be placed or whether other procedures such as a lift (mastopexy) are to be performed. After surgery, there may be bruising, swelling, and discomfort for the first few days, but many patients return to moderate daily activities within a few days after the surgery and full activity within two to three weeks. Full recovery usually takes a few months. The surgeons and staff at The Face & Body Center are available to discuss any questions you may have by calling 866-939-4999 or 939-9999 in the Jackson Metro Area.