Dupuytren’s Disease is an abnormal thickening in the palm or fingers of the hand, which ultimately limits movement. In severe cases fingers bend into the palm and they cannot be fully extended. The cause is not known, but the condition is frequently inherited. There is no permanent cure for this abnormality. It is usually painless with onset starting after age 40. Dupuytren’s Disease frequently occurs in people of North European or British descent. The disease usually begins when a knot or pit is noticed in the palm. Curvature of the fingers may later interfere with normal function. While there is no permanent cure, hand surgery may release the fingers. The goal of the surgery is to restore as much normal use of the hand as possible. The condition may, however, return with time. A qualified Face & Body Center surgeon can diagnose and treat Dupuytren’s Disease according to the individual symptoms and severity. The surgeons and staff at The Face & Body Center are available to discuss any questions you may have by calling 866-939-4999 or 939-9999 in the Jackson Metro Area.